My interest in Printmaking started while studying Art History & Theory at Vilnius Academy of Arts. As part of the Academic Curriculum, we were urged to try various other forms of creative expression in other of the Academy’s departments in order to have a first-hand experience and understanding of the various processes and thus to be able to write about it with certainty. Printmaking was my first choice. I was very lucky that Lithuanian – Parisian based graphic artist and intellectual Žibuntas Mikšys (1923-2013) came to Vilnius to deliver a creative workshop at the time. His lucid presence, curiosity, humour, and occasionally his scathing remarks, as well as his sensitivity, is still the driving force behind his imparted love for the medium.
For Tori Amos, non-toxic intaglio, collage
A City in a Desert, non-toxic intaglio, collage
Beach I, triptych, non-toxic intaglio, collage
Beach II, triptych, non-toxic intaglio, collage
Beach III, triptych, non-toxic intaglio, collage
A Walk, non-toxic intaglio, collage
Birds I, woodcut, rice paper
Water, non-toxic intaglio, collage
Birds II, woodcut, rice paper
Rain, non-toxic intaglio
A Star, non-toxic intaglio, collage
Grebe I, woodcut, rice paper
A Crane, woodcut, rice paper
Witch Apparitions, non-toxic intaglio, collage
Sounds, non-toxic intaglio
“By the refined aesthetic means of the art piece we are attracted or, better to say, seduced into the world, where beside the fantastic surface basic human experiences of good and evil hides. Last but not least, the artist tackles such conceptions and terms as sin, evil, light, darkness, decline, resurrection, which we are forced to be related to, not only on the aesthetic, but also on the existential plan.”
For Tori Amos, non-toxic intaglio, collage